Agenda item

65 Gresham Street S278

Report of the Interim Executive Director Environment.


Members considered a Gateway 2: project proposal report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning 65 Gresham Street S278.


A Member asked if St Lawrence Jewy would be involved in discussions and an Officer confirmed that they would be approached as a local stakeholder.


In response to a Member’s questions, an Officer stated that this proposal had come out of the 278 negotiation as part of the planning process. He added that this was a gateway report stating that there was a potential project in this space that the developer was happy to fund the first piece of work which was to investigate the possibility. He added that there would be transparency about what would be delivered. Any possible road closures would require the sub-committee’s approval and a public statutory consultation. Although there was a delegation for projects under £1million, given the traffic order requirement and the interest of members, this would come to the sub-committee.


A Member who was on the Guild Church Council of St Lawrence Jewry, raised concern that the church had not been consulted on the planning application and stated that under Section 106 there could have been greater engagement with St Lawrence Jewry.


RESOLVED – That Members of the Sub-Committee


1.        Approve a budget of £100,000 to reach the next Gateway as set out in Section 2;

2.        Authorise officers to instruct the Comptroller & City Solicitor’s department to negotiate and enter into a Section 278 agreement;

3.        Agree that the Corporate Programme Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Projects & Procurement Sub Committee and Chief Officer as necessary, is to decide whether any project issues or decisions that fall within the remit of paragraph 45 of the ‘City of London Project Procedure – November 2023’ (Changes to Projects: General) is to be delegated to Chief Officer or escalated to committee(s); and

4.        Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment to approve budget procedures in consultation with the Chamberlain, between budget lines if this is within the total project budget amounts.

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