Agenda item

Stonecutter Court S278

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


Members considered a Gateway 3/4/5 options appraisal and authority to start work report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning Stonecutter Court S278.


RESOLVED – That Members of the Sub-Committee


1.        Approve a budget of £631,400is approved to reach the next Gateway;

2.        Note the revised total estimated project budget is £696,400 (excluding risk);

3.        Approve a Costed Risk Provision of £100,000 (to be drawn down via delegation to Chief Officer) as set out in the risk register in Appendix 4 of the Officer report;

4.        Note the Commuted Maintenance sum of £45,100, is included in the budget and will cover any additional future maintenance costs for a period of 20 years;

5.        Approve the design option shown in Appendix 2;

6.        Note that the making of the necessary Traffic Orders, subject to no objections, or the resolution and consideration of any objections, is delegated to the Director of City Operations under the scheme of delegation;

7.        Delegate to the Executive Director Environment authority to approve budget adjustments, above the existing authority within the project procedures and in consultation with the Chamberlain, between budget lines within the approved total project budget; and

8.        Delegate to the Executive Director Environment authority to further increase or amend the project budgets in the future (above the level of the existing delegated authority) provided any increase be fully funded by the Developer.


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