Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk (copy attached).


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk relative to the appointment of the Board’s Bursary Committee and two sub-committees, their composition and terms of reference.


RESOLVED – That, the composition and terms of reference of the Board’s Bursary and two sub Committees be approved and that they be appointed as follows for 2013/14:


Bursary Committee

Stuart Fraser (as Chairman)

Deputy John Bennett (as Deputy Chairman)

Deputy Robin Eve

Vivienne Littlechild

Douglas Mobsby (co-opted)


Finance, General Purposes and Estates Sub Committee:

Stuart Fraser (as Chairman)

Deputy John Bennett (as Deputy Chairman)

Brian Harris

Vivienne Littlechild

Douglas Mobsby (co-opted)


Academic and Education Sub Committee:

Stuart Fraser (as Chairman)

Deputy John Bennett (as Deputy Chairman)

Vivienne Littlechild

Sir Clive Martin (co-opted)

Councillor Chris Townsend (co-opted)


Given that there were still some vacancies remaining on all three bodies, the Chairman suggested that the Town Clerk write to all Governors informing them of this and seeking additional expressions of interest.

Supporting documents: