Agenda item

Head of Centre's Report on Progress in 2013

Report of the Head of Centre, Epping Forest (copy attached).


A report of the Head of Centre provided an update on the progress at the Epping Forest Field Centre in the first quarter of 2013.


The Head of Centre reported that the Centre was on target to meet its Key Performance Indicators. He explained that two valued staff members had left and that further staff turnover was expected.


In response to a question it was pointed out that over the next three quarters there was capacity to teach people who came to the Centre and that Key Stage 4 had been a growth area.


The Head of Centre gave a short presentation on the ‘Lessons from Nature’ project explaining that the website brought together different learning materials and that it was envisaged that it would be delivered in Schools. It was noted that a further update on the project would be provided in the autumn.




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