Agenda item

2013/14 Committee Appointments

Report of the Town Clerk (copy attached).


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the Committee’s annual appointments to the various Consultative Committees and a Joint Consultative Group was considered.



a)        the appointment and composition of the following bodies be endorsed as follows for the ensuing year:-


i)          Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee

City Members:

Jeremy Simons (Chairman)

Virginia Rounding (Deputy Chairman)


ii)         Highgate Wood Joint Consultative Committee

City Members:

Jeremy Simons (Chairman)

Virginia Rounding (Deputy Chairman)

Dennis Cotgrove

Barbara Newman

Vacancy – to be considered at a future meeting.


iii)       Queen’s Park Joint Consultative Group

          City Members:

          Jeremy Simons (Chairman)

          Virginia Rounding (Deputy Chairman)

          Dennis Cotgrove

          Barbara Newman

Vacancy – to be considered at a future meeting.



b)      Tony Ghilchik be appointed as the local representative to the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee for the ensuing year.


Supporting documents: