Agenda item

Election of Deputy Chairman

To elect a Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year in accordance with Standing Order 30.


The Committee proceeded to elect a Deputy Chairman pursuant to Standing Order No. 30.  A list of Members eligible to stand was read, and Revd Dr Martin Dudley, Michael Hudson and Oliver Lodge declared their willingness to serve if elected.


A ballot having been taken, votes were cast as follows:-


Revd Dr Martin Dudley                          -         10 votes

Michael Hudson                                    -         4 votes

Oliver Lodge                                         -         14 votes


As there was no clear majority between the first and second place, a second ballot was taken and the votes were cast as follows:-


Revd Dr Martin Dudley                          -         12 votes

Oliver Lodge                                         -         17 votes


Oliver Lodge was therefore duly elected as Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.