Agenda item

Report of the Headmistress

Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls.


The Board considered a report of the Headmistress relative to various issues including Governors’ Visiting Days, Lettings, Health & Safety and Educational Visits.


Governors’ Visiting Days

The Headmistress thanked Mr Hoffman for his recent visits to the School to host talks with pupils on ‘Careers in the City’.


Health & Safety

The Headmistress reminded the Board that the School’s Health & Safety Policy was a document which needed to be approved by Governors on an annual basis. The Board were informed that, following discussions with Corporate HR, there were still some minor amendments to be made to the final document.


In response to a question, the Headmistress reported that mental health issues were becoming increasingly common amongst young people and that CLSG was not unique in this trend. Governors were informed that further information as to how such issues were addressed at the School could be found in the non-public report of the Headmistress.


In response to a further question regarding the frequency with which risk assessments for legionella were carried out at the School, the Bursar stated that this was in line with statutory requirements and that the School were guided by the City Surveyor on this. The City Surveyor stated that the current arrangements were satisfactory but that he would follow up this matter with the contractor to ensure that the School continued to meet its statutory requirements in this area.


RESOLVED – That, the Board:

·         approve the Management of Health and Safety in Schools Policy subject to some minor amendments to be signed off by the Chairman; and

·         approve the Educational Visits Policy.


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