Agenda item


(Henry Pollard, Deputy)

19 April 2013

Appointment of External Members

The constitution of the Police Committee allows for the recruitment of two external individuals (ie. not Members of the Common Council) onto the Committee, through an open process.


A Selection Panel was set up to oversee the process and comprised the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Alderman Gowman, and Cllr Paul Murphy, the former Chairman of the Greater Manchester Police Authority. The vacancies were advertised in the press and, following the guidance of our Equalities Manager, we publicised the vacancies in innovative ways, using interest-group websites, social media and email networks. This ensured that the most diverse group of eligible people possible was reached. 


All applications were considered by the Panel for the purposes of short-listing and three applicants were interviewed, including two of the existing members. Following deliberations, the panel is pleased to recommend that the two incumbents, namely Helen Marshall and Don Randall, be re-appointed to these roles.


Helen Marshall is a partner in Bingham McCutchen, based in Lothbury. As a solicitor, she has demonstrated an active interest in law enforcement and policing issues. She trained at Kingsley Napley, a recognised criminal litigation practice, specialising in criminal defence work.


Don Randall MBE is a former City of London police officer who became Head of Security for JP Morgan and is now the Head of Security at the Bank of England. In his application, Mr Randall demonstrated an impressive record of involvement in policing matters in the City of London.


It is recommended that Helen Marshall be re-appointed to serve a four year, non-renewable term and Don Randall be re-appointed to serve a two-year, also non-renewable term. In making this recommendation, Panel hoped to achieve a balance of change and continuity by making two separately-timed appointments.


The two External Members have made an invaluable contribution to the proceedings of the Police Committee over the past four years and we would be pleased to secure the continuation of their voluntary and much valued services. On behalf of the Selection Panel, we recommend the re-appointment of Helen Marshall and Don Randall as External Members of the Police Committee until 16 May 2017 and 16 May 2015, respectively.





(Henry Pollard, Deputy)

19 April 2013