Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2013.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2013 were approved as an accurate record.


Matters Arising


Terms of reference – Employee Code of Conduct


The Committee was advised that due to a clash with the Chief Officer’s Away-Day, the Director of HR had been unable to attend today’s meeting.  Consequently, with the Chairman’s consent, this matter would be considered at the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.


AOB – Internal mechanisms


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee, rather than the Senior Alderman, oversaw Members’ conduct issues (Aldermanic) and on that basis Alderman Sir David Wootton had been invited to attend a future meeting.  Likewise, the Chief Commoner had confirmed that he would attend a future meeting of the Standards Committee.


Co-opted Membership


The Committee was advised that an appointment campaign was underway with a view to appointing to the existing two vacancies and also a third vacancy which would arise in October at the end of Ms Lusk’s term of office.   The appointment panel would therefore be meeting in October to shortlist for the three vacancies.  The Panel’s recommendation would then be endorsed by the Committee before approval was sought by the Court of Common Council.  In light of the reduced number of Co-opted Members and the implications for quoracy, it was felt that the 8th November 2013 meeting should be rescheduled.


RESOLVED: - That the next scheduled meeting of the Standards Committee on 8th November 2013 be cancelled and a meeting be scheduled in mid-December 2013.

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