Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


The Value of Green Spaces to London and Londoners

The Chairman invited the Director of Open spaces to outline her presentation on the forthcoming Corporation of London report on the value of Green Spaces to London and Londoners that she had given to the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee earlier that day.


During the discussion arising from her presentation the following points were made:-


·         The Director of Open Spaces commented that the strategic emphasis of the Directorate was to increase the Corporation’s existing Green Spaces in the City, and this was pursued through the Community Infrastructure Levy rather than through Section 106 monies – an example of this approach is the Aldgate Gyratory.


·         The Director of Open Spaces agreed that the use of delayed development sites as temporary Green Spaces such as in Newham was an excellent concept but that in the case of the City of London, land was seldom left vacant long enough for sites to be developed and planted.