Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

To receive the outstanding actions list.


The list of outstanding actions was RECEIVED.


Blackfriars Bridge – Members were informed that the result of the meeting with TfL suggested they would not be progressing further with the scheme currently in place, therefore issues around safety would be addressed through a subsequent change to the design of the road layout to the north of the bridge.


Beating the Bounds – The comments of the Sub Committee had been noted by the Appeal organisers who were also promoting a new campaign ‘Resist the Twist’ which hoped to encourage motor cyclists not to rev their engines.  Members noted that work towards to the event in October 2013 was progressing well.


Closure of Jewry Street – Members were informed that work was now complete and the diversion had been removed, however issues raised previously by Members regarding the diversion had been raised with the contractor.


Ludgate Hill – the Assistant Director informed the Committee that the design work would be linked with Fleet Street and this process would take between 12 and 18 months.

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