Agenda item

Management Work Plan for Sandy Heath Ride


The Conservation and Trees Manager introduced the Management Work Plan for the Sandy Heath Ride, noting that it followed on from two similar work plans from 2012. He concluded by highlighting the objective of a tiered effect either side of the pathway once the project had been completed.


The Committee proceeded to discuss the work plan:


In response to an observation from Jeremy Wright, the Conservation and Trees Manager agreed to examine whether there should be different management on opposing sides of the path due to varying sunlight.


In response to a question from Michael Hammerson the Conservation and Trees Manager agreed to examine the potential impact on habitat that the cutting of the fringe vegetation would have.


In response to a question from Colin Gregory the Conservation and Trees Manager said that the Corporation had tried to introduce heather in the past but these efforts had been subject to arson. Michael Hammerson observed that some heather was present on Sandy Heath.


Susan Nettleton remarked that she supported the aims of the work programme.


The Chairman requested that the thanks of the Committee be referred back to the report author.


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