Agenda item

Progress Report on Enhancement of Landscaping Works to Bull Path and Surrounding Area at Parliament Hill Fields


The Operational Services Manager introduced the progress report on the enhancement works to the Bull Path and surrounding areas, noting that work had commenced in February 2013.


Mary Port expressed her support for the works and her congratulations for the achievements to date. She raised some concerns over the hedge along the Highgate Road and hoped that the entrance sketch on page 75 would become a reality.


The Superintendent added that further consideration would be given to the Swains Lane entrance, and that mowing would be relaxed behind the tennis courts to promote the overall aims of the enhancement works.


Jeremy Wright added his congratulations and noted he used the Bull Path around four times per day, meaning that the enhancement works were, for him, a marked improvement. He expressed the hope that seating would be soon be made available.


Colin Gregory noted that there was currently an initiative to plant wild flower meadows to mark the 60th Anniversary of The Queen’s Coronation and that this may be something to consider for the Heath.


In response to a remark by Ellin Stein, the Superintendent noted that the shrubbery by the tennis courts had been taken out in 2012 with a view to promoting a meadow. Jeremy Wright noted that until a few years ago three types of buttercup had been present on the grass alongside the Bull Path, and that a return to such wildflower diversity would be welcome.


In response to concerns raised by Jeremy Wright and Mary Port, the Superintendent said that he would discuss the issue of new cycle stands with them outside of the meeting, noting in the meantime that it was important for the stands to be visible in order for them to provide security for the cycles.


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