Agenda item

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11 March 2013


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 March 2013 were agreed as a correct record, subject to John Beyer being listed as representing Jeremy Wright.


Matters Arising

Minute Circulation

The Chairman noted that there was now a target to circulate draft Consultative Committee minutes within a fortnight of the Committee meeting. At the request of Colin Gregory it was agreed to include where possible the names of persons making comments before the Committee.


National Grid Fencing

In response to a question from Jeremy Wright the Superintendent replied that fencing instituted by the National Grid during repair work was due to be replaced shortly. It is planned that the new fencing will be of the stockproof specification used elsewhere on the Heath, protection was needed to allow germination of vegetation.


Gas Leaks

The Superintendent reported that the National Grid had been present on 8 July to carry out gas main repairs outside of the Education Centre. In response to a comment from Susan Rose on the poor state of the path next to the Men’s Pond following gas leak repair works, the Superintendent replied that he was conscious that this needed to be dealt with.


Dog Walking

The Chairman informed the Committee that, further to concerns over the use of the Heath by commercial dog walkers, a paper would be presented to the Committee at its next meeting in October.


Affordable Art Fair – Second Event Proposal

The Superintendent briefed the Committee over the Affordable Art Fair’s proposal to hold an event entitled ‘Grow London’, a contemporary garden show. He noted that it would need to be dealt with outside of the Committee cycle and that a report would be circulated for the Committee’s views that would then be submitted to the September meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Management Committee.


In response to a proposal by Richard Sumray to focus on the theme of sustainability, the Chairman noted that this would complement one of the Lord Mayor-elect’s chosen themes for her year in office. The Leisure and Events Manager added that the theme of sustainability lay at the heart of Grow London’s ethos.


In response to a question from Michael Hammerson, the Superintendent confirmed that local groups would be involved in the second event.


Planning Decisions around the Heath

The Superintendent reported that a public inquiry had now been initiated into the London Borough of Camden’s decision on the Garden House planning application. He added that the City of London Corporation had appointed a planning consultant to draft a submission on its behalf, to be submitted to the inquiry.


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