Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2012/13 - Epping Forest and Commons

Report of the Chamberlain


The Committee received the report of the Chamberlain and Director of Open Spaces regarding the revenue outturn for the year 2012/13. Members were informed that in total, there was a better than budget position of £319,000 for the services overseen by the Committee compared with the final agreed budget for the year. Officers informed Members that since the report had been published there had been some changes to figures due to changes raised by auditors. The reported figure of £56,000 overspend was now £39,000.

Officers informed Members that the worse than budget position of £124,000 (Local Risk) had been aggregated with budget variations on services overseen by other committees, which produced an overall worse than budget position of £39,000 (Local Risk) across all Open Spaces. This overspend would be carried forward to be met from the agreed 2013/14 budgets for Epping Forest.


The City Surveyor’s underspend had been aggregated with budget variations

on services overseen by other committees and a request made to carry forward the ‘net’ underspending for corporate priorities. In response to a query from Members, officers said the City Surveyor’s department had three years in which they could spend the net underspending. Officers agreed to circulate a note to Members detailing which projects the budget would be spent on. A Member emphasised that it was important to continue to spend the additional works programme, the need for refurbishment on site had not diminished and the level of work must not reduce.




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