Agenda item

(D) Household Cavalry

In October 2013, the Household Cavalry will return to the UK from their fifth and final scheduled regimental deployment to Afghanistan since 2006.  The Household Cavalry would like to exercise their Privilege to march through the City “with drums beating, colours flying and bayonets fixed” on Wednesday 9th April 2014.


The last time they exercised this historic right was in 1995, when all the City’s Privileged Regiments were entertained at Guildhall following a march through the City to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.


We consider that the City should invite the Household Cavalry, including the Band and family members, to a lunchtime reception in Guildhall to recognise the Household Cavalry’s heritage and its contribution and support to both the civic and ceremonial life of the City. Other guests would include a Member of the Royal Family, Colonels of the Regiment, Livery Companies with connections with the Regiment and representatives from the other Privileged Regiments.


We recommend accordingly and that the arrangements be left in the hands of the Hospitality Working Party; the cost being met from City’s Cash, within the approved cost parameters.


(This would be a full Court event.)


In October 2013, the Household Cavalry will return to the UK from their fifth and final scheduled regimental deployment to Afghanistan since 2006.  The Household Cavalry would like to exercise their Privilege to march through the City “with drums beating, colours flying and bayonets fixed” on Wednesday 9th April 2014.


The last time they exercised this historic right was in 1995, when all the City’s Privileged Regiments were entertained at Guildhall following a march through the City to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.


We consider that the City should invite the Household Cavalry, including the Band and family members, to a lunchtime reception in Guildhall to recognise the Household Cavalry’s heritage and its contribution and support to both the civic and ceremonial life of the City. Other guests would include a Member of the Royal Family, Colonels of the Regiment, Livery Companies with connections with the Regiment and representatives from the other Privileged Regiments.


We recommend accordingly and that the arrangements be left in the hands of the Hospitality Working Party; the cost being met from City’s Cash, within the approved cost parameters.


(This would be a full Court event).


Read and agreed to.