Agenda item

Tobacco Control Alliance Project Plan

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services setting out the smoking cessation performance for 2012/13 and the key projects for 2013/14.    Members were very pleased to note good performance, above the 4 week target, and were advised that, after this time, smokers were more likely to quit long term. 


Members asked if any public events had been planned, given that the number of City smokers was above the national average. The Director offered to investigate this as part of the healthy workplace offer.   In respect of monitoring the achievement of the 4 week target over a longer period, the representative from the Tobacco Control Alliance advised that extra support was offered after 4 weeks, although this was not part of the contracted service and that the medication lasted for 12 weeks. 


The Director advised that there was some public health budget available which could accommodate a piece of research into smoking cessation rates after 6 months and onwards.  Members welcomed this suggestion.


RESOLVED – That, given the increasing number of young smokers, all of the City of the London Schools (including the Freemen’s School) be encouraged to participate in a national young people’s competition which seeks to discourage smoking. 

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