Agenda item

Election of Inner NE London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Representative


Before commencing the substantive business of the agenda, the Strategy and Performance Director presented the sub committee’s Terms of Reference and explained the scope for call in.  Members were reminded that Healthwatch and other local patient representative bodies can refer items to this sub-committee. However if NHS bodies are proposing service changes which could impact on residents across a number of local authority areas they can ask for a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel to be formed to scrutinise any proposals for change. In recent years it has been necessary to set up a Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee for Inner North East London on several occasions. Members were asked to be mindful of the increase in proposals for change, as a result of the current economic climate and budgetary cuts and asked to elect a representative at this meeting so that an additional meeting did not have to be called if a JHOSC was required at short notice. 


Three Members expressed an interest in serving on the INEL JHOSC but Mr Anderson and Miss Price relinquished the position to Wendy Mead (Chairman), given her extensive experience in this area.  The Chairman welcomed the interest from other Members and invited them to join her as observers.  Members noted that the Deputy Chairman, Mr Patel, would deputise for her. 


RESOLVED – That Wendy Mead be appointed as the NE London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Representative.