Agenda item

Homerton University Hospital Quality Accounts Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


This report set out the approach the Corporation had taken in scrutinising the Homerton University Hospital Quality Accounts, in partnership with the London Borough of Hackney.  It requested Member representation at the Health in Hackney Scrutiny Meeting, to meet with representatives of the Hospital.   Under Agenda item 6, Wendy Mead had been elected and would attend the next meeting on 10 October 2013.




1.      The approach taken to scrutinising the Homerton University Hospital Quality Accounts be endorsed;

2.      Homerton University Hospital would provide a written response by the end of August 2013; and

3.      The Inner North East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny (INEL JOSC) representative attend the October Health in Hackney Scrutiny meeting to discuss the Hospitals response on behalf of the City.


Supporting documents: