Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

The Superintendent of City Gardens to be heard.


The City Gardens Manager provided an update to the Committee on a variety of operational issues:



The City Gardens budget is in line with agreed profiles.



The City Gardens currently has a full complement of staff.



A specialist conservation company have recently completed restoration works to grave stones and memorials in Bunhill Fields and are due shortly to inspect the remainder of headstones and memorials to prioritise future works based on safety and conservation need.


Blue Trees and Launch of new Tree Trail

Following the installation of the Trees for Cities Blue Trees project, the first City Gardens Tree Walk and leaflet have been designed by Trees for Cities and is due to be launched during the City Festival period.


Friends of City Gardens and Volunteer Activities

The Aldgate Experiments project has been implemented which saw school children from Sir John Cass primary school plant a series of red flower pots, in conjunction with the installation of a viewing platform with red seats. In response to a question from a Member the City Gardens Manager confirmed that this was a temporary project.



Recent visits to City Gardens included the British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) (9 July), the Worshipful Company of Gardeners (17 July) Royal Horticultural Students (28 June) and the Open Spaces Committee Tour (12 July). It was noted that a parchment had been presented by the Worshipful Company of Gardeners that would be displayed in the entrance to the Irish Chambers.


Growing Localities Apprenticeship Scheme

It was noted that interviews for apprenticeship places were due to take place on 7 August. Three places were available for the six candidates that had been working across City Gardens, West Ham Park and The Royal Parks sites since May. The successful candidates will be employed for three years part funded by the City Bridge Trust. The remaining three candidates will receive advice and signposting to other opportunities within the industry.