Agenda item

Any Other Special Interest Area Updates


The Lead Member for Road Safety and Casualty Reduction provided and update which highlighted the following:


The 20mph speed limit in all City streets had been approved by the Court of Common Council. The Force would be involved in the enforcement of the regulations going forward and Transport for London would be contributing funding for monitoring of heavy goods transport. The Force was exploring better use of CoLP bicycles in order to become more visible.


The Commander of Operations noted there was a road safety day occurring on the 30th of October which would be advertised to Members.


A Member queried as to if it was possible to educate pedestrians through advertisements on the City’s rubbish bins on environmental awareness to reduce avoid accidents. It was agreed this education was also important for cyclists in the City. The Lead Member for Road Safety and Casualty Reduction advised that the Force was undertaking the development of road safety training with stakeholders, a policy area that had been subject to reductions across London boroughs. It was noted a joint report by the Force and the City Corporation that highlighted the work being done to improve road safety would be provided as part of the six-monthly update to the Committee.


In response to this Special Interest Area update, the Chairman requested that at the next meeting of the Committee, interim reports on each Special Interest Areas be produced for the next Committee that highlighted what was on track to be achieved, and to highlight the communication occurring between Members and the Force.