Agenda item

Development Day - October 9th 2013

Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Board considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services informing Members that at the July Health and Wellbeing Board, Members agreed that the next Health and Wellbeing Board Development Day would take place on October 9 2013 in Walbrook Wharf.


As Fiona Reed Associates had been commissioned to run part of the day, it was

proposed that the morning session will be facilitated by them. It was proposed

that this morning session should be used to review what the Health and

Wellbeing Board has achieved so far; the progress made in Board

development over the last year; and any outstanding relationship and

governance issues.


It was proposed that the afternoon session should be run by senior members of

the City and Hackney Public Health Team, led by the Interim Director of

Public Health. The following activities are proposed:

i. A World Café style discussion, using cameos of City service-users to

illustrate some of the more complex health and wellbeing needs that

occur in the City of London. This discussion will allow Health and

Wellbeing Board members to consider how services in the City

currently work together to meet the needs of City residents and

workers, and how the Health and Wellbeing Strategy could be used to

influence and improve outcomes.

ii. A discussion on what the Health and Wellbeing Board’s work

programme should be for the next twelve months, with priority areas of

focus identified. This will attempt to establish an agreed work

programme for the board, to provide a framework for the next twelve

months’ meetings.

iii. A discussion on the Board’s learning and development needs,

including what issues it would like to look at as part of its development

days, and how it wants to take the development day programme

forward. This discussion would include potential public health topics to

cover; site visits; and skills sessions that board members may wish to



Members agreed that as this was a Development Day those who could not attend could arrange a suitable substitute to attend in their place.


RESOLVED – That Members agreed the proposals for the Development Day

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