Agenda item

Report of the Head

Report of the Head of the City of London School


The Board considered a report of the Head of the City of London School relative to various School issues such as the cleaning contract update, curriculum matters and scholarships. A Governor also mentioned the success of the LSSO Concert held 29 April 2014 for which 2 School pupils were in the orchestra, the Governor also asked the Board to note the success of the production of Private Peaceful and the Second Master distributed copies o the programme. The Chairman congratulated the School on the breadth of the City of London School pupil’s cultural achievements particularly in music and theatre.


City of London Bursary Trust Gala Dinner 10 June 2014

The Director of Finance updated the Board on the outcome of the independent City of London School Bursary Trust fundraising Gala Dinner. The Dinner was held at the Tate Modern and raised in excess of £300,000 toward the Schools Bursary Trust. The Chairman congratulated the School and Trustees on the success of the event and expressed his thanks to all those who donated to the Bursary Fund.


Millennium Bridge Area Works Summer 2014

With regards to the Millennium Bridge Area Works the Second Master introduced the Assistant Highways Director and the Principal Environmental Enhancement Officer from the Department of the Built Environment to the Board of Governors. The Assistant Highways Director informed the Board that work on the Millennium Bridge Area would commence in July 2014 once the School had closed for the summer. In relation to the work programme the Assistant Highways Director explained that the possibility of a contaminated land issue had been raised and Officers in the Built Environment would wait for a more detailed report commissioned by a specialised. Once the results of the report had been received there was a possibility that part of the scheme would be amended. The Assistant Highways Director also informed the Board that the deep level drainage part of the works may be removed from the scheme as the drainage of the area was sufficient.


With regards schedule for the programme work would begin at the western end of Millennium Bridge Area and move eastwardly past the City of London School, with the element of the works located outside the School concluded by the start of the autumn term. The Chairman explained to the Officer from the Built Environment the importance for the work to be completed by the time pupils returned to the School and in response the Second Master said that the School had provided the Department of the Built Environment with key dates to ensure that the work did not disrupt the School.


In response to a Governor request for further clarification with regards to the Peters Hill area the Assistant Highways Director explained that only the existing paving was scheduled to be repaired, but there was the possibility of upgrades to the existing lighting units.


Following the Assistant Highways Directors update a number of Governors expressed concerns regarding the cost and necessity of the works. A Governor and the Chairman explained to the Board that the work had been agreed a couple of years ago by the City of London Corporation’s Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee and the agreement were subject to consultation with the School. A Governor of the Board took this opportunity to table an information leaflet for Governors consideration on the details of the Riverside Walk Enhancement Strategy. The Governor told the Board that the Strategy would impact the School and as it was in the consultation phase the School Officers and Governors of the Board should take the opportunity to make their views heard. The Second Master expressed the opinion that the School were would support the enhancement of the riverside walk as long as the work did not disrupt the running of the School. The Second Master also pointed out that the School and the Board may be particularly in favour of the enhancement to White Lion Hill. The Chairman asked the School Officers to ensure that the Schools views on the Strategy were submitted during the consultation.


RESOLVED – That the Board note the contents of the report of the Headmaster of the City of London School.

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