Agenda item

Accommodation Review Update

The Chamberlain and Commissioner of Police to be heard.


The Committee received verbal updates from the Chamberlain and the Commissioner which outlined the progress being made on the Force Accommodation project. 


The Chamberlain advised that detailed work had been undertaken to establish the occupancy of Guildhall Yard East and it was anticipated that Force staff would be able to move in next year.


It was noted that a Gateway 4 (detailed option appraisal) project report was due to be submitted to the next meeting of the Project Sub Committee and Finance Committee.


The Commissioner advised that, due to the Force’s available reserves and the increased pressure across CoL budgets, it would be appropriate for the Force to contribute some funds to the costs of the programme management.  The Commissioner added that reserves were approximately £15 million, and Members and officers discussed the robust reserve methodology that had been developed by the Force. It was noted that the proposed contribution to the Accommodation project would be approximately £1 million phased over 3 years. The contribution would be specifically for the development of operational requirements associated with the accommodation strategy rather than for the delivery of the accommodation itself.  The Chamberlain welcomed this partnership approach to funding. 


Members agreed with the proposal noting the Commissioner’s previous comments under item 8 that a report would be prepared to articulate the strategy for Police reserves.