Agenda item

The City of London School Bursary Fund incorporating the City of London School Scholarships & Prizes Fund - 2012/13 Report and Financial Statements

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Board received a report of the Chamberlain providing Governors with a copy of the 2012/13 Report and Financial Statements for the City of London School Bursary Fund incorporating the City of London School Scholarships & Prizes Fund.


The Chairman highlighted the generous £135,000 received from the late Mr. FitzGerald which had been earmarked for supporting sporting activities. The Director of Finance reported that a pupil was now in receipt of this Scholarship and had started in the first form last month. The Board were informed that Mr. FitzGerald’s family had been involved in selecting the recipient.


The Chairman went on to highlight that no bursary awards had been made in the last financial year as none of the applicants had fulfilled the criteria. He underlined that the School were keen to continue to do all that they could to engage worthy applicants. In response to a question, the Director of Finance reported that the Bursary guidelines were last reviewed in June 2012. The Chairman commented that the City’s Education Working Party might also be setting strategies for the way forward in this area soon.


A Governor commented on the recent joint advertisement placed in the Evening Standard encouraging those with sufficient academic ability to apply for financial assistance. The Headmaster clarified that this was a joint advertisement between CLS and 26 other Schools and had also been placed in free local papers, in bus shelters and on the tube in and around central London. The Headmaster confirmed that the advertisement was jointly funded by all of the Schools involved and had proved very worthwhile.


The Chairman reported that the City’s Education Strategy was to be presented to the Policy and Resources Committee later this month and then to the Court of Common Council. He added that a separate briefing on the impact of the Strategy would then be provided to the School’s Senior Management team.









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