Agenda item

West Ham Park Management Progress Report

A report of the Director of Open Spaces (copy attached).


The Superintendent of West Ham Park introduced a report of the Director of Open Spaces detailing the progress of staff in meeting management plan objectives.


A Committee Member welcomed the involvement of the Tessa Sanderson Foundation Academy in providing tennis lessons in the Park. He queried the number of hours provided however, noting that it appeared to equate to only three hours a week. In reply the Superintendent noted that the figures were likely to only include paid sessions rather than the total number of sessions, which would include informal use of the courts. He undertook to investigate and report back. Members also noted that poor weather and the fact that many people were only likely to use the courts at the weekend as possible factors in explaining the number of hours recorded.


Finally, the Chairman welcomed the drop in crime and anti-social behaviour recorded within the Park and, on behalf of the Committee, noted the hard work and commitment of staff and volunteers in West Ham Park.




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