Agenda item

Tables and Chairs and other Licensing Functions including overlap with other Committees

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection informing Members that at a meeting of the Licensing Committee in May 2013 it was requested that a report be produced detailing the overlaps, if any, of the various licensing activities undertaken to look at whether any changes or improvements could be made.


Officers informed Members that there was significant interaction of responsible authorities with the Licensing Service particularly in the primary role of administration of the Licensing Act 2003. In addition there were parallel but separate regulatory processes operating

through the Department of the Built Environment (DBE) and the Planning and Transportation Committee for planning applications.

The administration of Tables and Chairs licences did not in practice cause conflicts with premises licences but policy and guidelines for granting of the licences needed to be updated.


The Committee noted that similarly changes in legislation for street trading were anticipated next year if the City of London (Various Powers) Bill proceeded through Parliament and a policy on this issue would need to be produced and agreed by the appropriate Committee.


Members noted that an email had been circulated to the Committee by a Member the night before the meeting, however as the email had not been sent to Officers and was not tabled at the meeting it was agreed that the Member speak to officers directly to address his concerns.


RESOLVED: That Members agreed the proposals and asked officers to submit the draft policy to the Licensing Committee for comments before it was considered by the Planning and Transportation Committee.

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