Agenda item

Communications Strategy Discussion

The Board will have the opportunity to discuss a future Health & Wellbeing Board communications strategy with Greg Williams, Assistant Director of Public Relations.


The Board welcomed the Public Relations Officer to the meeting and considered a number of ways in which the Board could publicise the work currently being done by service areas to tackle health and wellbeing issues.


Board Members agreed that a strategy would act as a mechanism of broadcasting the work being undertaken by the City and the services available to residents and City workers which were currently not being utilised to their full potential. Members agreed that internal advtertising of the Board was also needed to ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board was consulted where necessary. Members agreed that a cross-directorate approach must be taken with the work of the Board so publicising their work remit would be a positive action.


Officers informed Members that there were a number of quick wins, such as publicising free flu jabs for workers in the City which could be progressed. Officers from PRO agreed to with Health and Wellbeing Officers to help deliver a number of quick wins over the upcoming months and report back to the Board in early 2014.