Agenda item

Health Visiting in the City of London

To receive a report of the Health and Wellbeing Policy Development Manger



The Board received the report of the Health and Wellbeing Policy Development Manager, which gave Members an overview of health visiting in the City of London. Members were informed that from April 2015, responsibility for commissioning health visiting services would transfer to local authorities. However, health visiting services were currently understaffed, and needed strengthening and expanding across London.


NHS England reviewed existing health visitor provision, to develop new models that better meet the needs of the 0-5 year old population nationally, and link more effectively with other 0-5 services. It also intended to tackle the shortfall in health visitor numbers, so that services could transfer to local authorities in a state where they did not require significant investment.


Officers said that there were currently 6 health visiting teams in City and Hackney, one for each of the 6 Children’s centre geographical areas (A-F), with the City of London included in area E. There were 3 HV Leads who manage 2 health visiting skill mixed teams of 12-20 members of staff. Staff were based in general practices, health centres and Children’s Centres. Allied services include children’s services, general practitioners, safeguarding teams and midwives. Budgets for health visiting and cost per child is higher in City and Hackney compared with neighbouring areas.


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