Agenda item

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) unannounced routine inspection of the Adult Social Care Reablement Service

To receive a report of the Assistant Director


The Board received the report of the Assistant Director of People which informed Members of the outcome of the recent Care Quality Commission

(CQC) unannounced routine inspection of the Adult Social Care Reablement

Service, which took place on 5 September 2013.


The Adult Social Care Service provided reablement services to residents of the City of London for up to six weeks following their discharge from hospital, so that people could become more independent. The service provided home-based support, involving domiciliary care, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, equipment, telecare and/or social work support. The CQC inspection addressed quality and safety of care against five overarching standards:

1. consent to care and treatment

2. care and welfare of people who use services

3. co-operating with other providers

4. staffing

5. complaints


The Reablement Service was found to meet the standard for each area without any additional conditions or requirements being placed upon the City of London by the CQC. Members congratulated Officers and thanked them for their hard work.


In response to a query from Members, Officers clarified that although notification had been sent about the routine inspection of the Adult Social Care Reablement Service it was not received until two weeks after the inspection had taken place. Officers had raised this matter with CQC.


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