Agenda item

Housing Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Sub Committee received a report from the Director of Community and Children’s Services which gave an update on Housing Service performance and management.


In response to Members’ questions, officers reported that difficulty with the texting system used to gather data had prevented an update on satisfaction with repairs, but that this would be available for the next report. Members asked why only one sale had resulted from 28 Right to Buy applications received last year; officers responded that some applications were submitted to value the property, and that discounts had been raised for this year which had resulted in 4 sales so far.


With regards to the waiting list, officers informed Members that numbers had gone up in recent years but were now decreasing. The Sub Committee noted that the policy was being rewritten which would lead to unsuitable applicants being removed from the list. A Member queried a noise complaint in Golden Lane, officers reported that the license was not revoked but conditions had been put upon it which had improved the situation.

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