Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 9September 2013.


The public minutes and summary of the meeting held 9th September 2013 were approved, subject to ratification at the next quorate meeting of the Sub-Committee.


The Town Clerk undertook to include an outstanding reference list of actions discussed and to be taken that would be included in future Sub-Committee agendas.


Matters Arising


Value for Money Benchmarking Report


Those present suggested that this report should be received at the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.


The Assistant Commissioner informed Members that following discussion with the Commissioner, consultation on this report would occur with the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk. He suggested as part of this report, an external body could be employed to provide an audit and scrutiny function to the Force to ensure sufficient rigour and scrutiny was underway. It was noted that HMIC Value for Money profiles were not helpful in this area due to the size and nature of the Force.


The Chairman remarked that it was important that the Sub-Committee was able to demonstrate progress in this area.


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