Agenda item

Second Quarter Performance against Targets in the Policing Plan 2013-16

To receive a report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Sub-Committee received a report that summarised the performance against Policing Plan targets for the second quarter of the 2013-14 financial year. 28 of the targets were on track to be met (green), three were graded as amber and one had been graded red.


Target 1.3.1.b - deliver on-going organisational improvements and development relating to public order deployments (complaints)

The Assistant Commissioner noted that debriefs had been undertaken and the amber target was now on track to be met for the next quarter.


Target 1.4.1a – reduce levels of victim-based crime compared to 2012-13

The Chairman noted that victim-based crime figures had increased quite considerably and queried if resources were being allocated sufficiently. The Assistant Commissioner replied that they were, and was a main area of focus. The Force was addressing any victim based crime patterns, such as those that related to the night time economy or certain areas of the City.


The Assistant Commissioner commented that a report would be brought to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee on the detail of the nature of violent crime in the City of London and the impact of the tactics in place to address this.


It was noted that it was not always possible to compare victim based crime rates with other areas of London, due to the large differences in scale but that any relevant intelligence was always shared.


The Chairman queried the rate of domestic burglary, which had increased since last year, and the Assistant Commissioner undertook to see if there were any trends related to the increase. 


Target 1.7.1b – to ensure at least 90% of victims of crime are satisfied with the service provided by the police.

It was explained that this would continue to be a difficult target to meet but due diligence procedures would contribute to the target improving for the next quarter. If it could not be reached, the target would be adjusted.


To assist in improving this target’s performance, a report outlining the processes of the victims of crime survey and action plan in place to address this would be brought to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.The Assistant Commissioner added that the officer requirements when dealing with victims of crime were now being tracked through the Force’s Performance Management Group.


It was noted that the Force had now received the Q2 results for the fraud victims survey results, and other targets related to survey feedback, , due to a conflict between the meeting dates and publication of the latest survey results, these had not been available at time of going to print. The Town Clerk would liaise with the Police on this matter. It was noted that 92.6% of those reporting antisocial behaviour were satisfied with the service provided by the Police (1.6.1a), and 90.8% of the City’s Street population surveyed considered the City police to be doing a good or excellent job (1.7.1a). 


The Chairman commended the Force on its work with the Romanian authorities to tackle criminality impacting on the UK Payments sector. The Assistant Commissioner undertook to check with the Force’s Corporate Communications if they were sighted on the media communications the Metropolitan Police were conducting in this area.


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