Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2013-14 and 2014-15

A joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Open Spaces.


The representative of the Chamberlain introduced a report on proposed revenue and capital budgets for 2013/14 and 2014/15. She noted that the report had been prepared in light of guidance set by the Policy and Resources Committee. She highlighted that a three year grant from The City Bridge Trust would come to an end in March 2014 and that a new bid was currently being prepared. She went on to explain that any works that were undertaken under the Additional Works Programme that were scheduled to be completed by March 2014 were included in the figures for 2013/14. Any works that were scheduled for 2014/15 had been approved by the Corporate Asset Sub Committee and would shortly go to the Resource Allocation Sub Committee for approval.


In response to a question from a member, the representative of the Chamberlain replied that the current Nursery budget had broken even and that in future any surplus would be reflected in the relevant budget reports that came before the Committee.


The Committee went on to discuss how the surplus from the Nursery should be allocated, with some members noting that it should be for the benefit of the Park as a whole, rather than the Nursery itself. The Chairman pointed out that the Nursery benefited all users of the Park and that it was important that any surplus should not be allowed to accrue to too great an extent. A member emphasised that the whole Park should benefit from any surplus, not just the Nursery itself, whilst another member suggested that the Nursery be given first-refusal on any surplus before it was then allocated to the rest of the Park.


Officers agreed to provide a report at the next Committee detailing the way in which funds were allocated within the Park. The report would be drafted in accordance with the existing legal agreement governing the management of the Park.   




·         The Committee had reviewed the provisional 2014/15 revenue budget to ensure it reflects the Committee’s objectives and approved the budget for submission to the Finance Committee;


·         The Chamberlain be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Open Spaces, to revise the budgets to allow for further implications arising from Corporate Projects, departmental reorganisations and other reviews, and changes to the Additional Works Programme.


·         A report on the allocation of surplus monies arising from the operation of the West Ham Park Nursery be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.

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