Agenda item

Report of the Headmistress

Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls (copy attached).


The Board received a report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls relative to various School issues including Forthcoming Events and Educational Visits, Health & Safety, Lettings and Building Projects.


Building Projects (Gymnasium)

The Headmistress reported that a consultation meeting had recently taken place at the end of January 2014.


The Board was informed that two objections to the planning application had been received to date on the basis of noise transmission. Governors were informed that the City Surveyor was now working to address these points.


The Chairman highlighted that, as there was no proposal to extend the current gymnasium building, there should not be any notable rise in the current level of noise emitted.


In response to questions, the City Surveyor reported that the new gymnasium would be mechanically ventilated and that the City’s Planning and Transportation Committee would attach certain conditions to this with regards to noise emissions.




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