Agenda item

Budget Monitoring Year to Date October 2013/14

To receive a report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received a report which updated Members as to the financial position of the Force as of the 7th October 2013.


The Director of Corporate Services informed Members that there had been two changes to the report originally included as part of the agenda that had been re-circulated in advance of the meeting.


The 2013/14 year end forecast for the revenue budget was an over spend of £0.4m, an improvement of £1.7m when compared to the original budget which had assumed a contribution from general reserves of £2.1m. The improved position was due to an increase from the Government grant for Dedicated Security Posts of £3.4m, which the Force had expected to be reduced to £5m. The risk of this reduction remained in the future going forward.


The Chairman noted that Appendix C (Grant Schedule) of the report was very useful in outlining the funding purpose and status of various Force projects and programmes.


The Commissioner explained that the Force had forecast the use of spend reserves would be required from the loss of the Corporate Social Responsibility budget and more Police Officer leavers than estimated.

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