Agenda item

Police Property Act Fund

To receive a report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered an annual report of the Town Clerk which informed Members of applications and awards from the Police Property Act Fund during 2013 and asked the Committee to consider four further grants by individual Members.


The Chairman noted an additional grant would be considered for the City of London Academy – Islington (CC. Reg. No. 1121962) to fund a new cadet unit that was set up to give Academy students a structure in their lives. The grant would assist young people from deprived backgrounds to go to camp with adequate equipment.


In addition, Members suggested the Child Victims of Crime which helped children affected by criminality, the establishment of the National Police Arboretum Trust and the Sheriffs’ Recorder’s Fund. It was noted that if other academies had cadet programmes, they were welcome to be considered for a grant.


A Member queried what the policy was around the maintenance of reserves and it was agreed the Town Clerk would undertake to bring a report to the Committee which would review the fund’s investment policies and outline the aims of the Fund going forward. The Chairman suggested, and Members agreed charities would receive grants of £1,500 instead of £1,000 at this meeting.




a)    Members note the contents of the report;

b)    approve one-off grants of £1,000 to each of the following charities:-

i.              First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (CC Reg. 249360)

ii.             St John’s Ambulance (CC Reg. 1077265/1)

iii.            City of London Police Charity for Children (CC Reg. 294362)

iv.           The Hampstead Marie Curie Hospice (CC Reg. 207994)

v.            St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney (CC Reg. 1113125)

vi.           Haven House Children’s Hospice, Essex (CC Reg. 1044296)

vii.          City of London Academy – Islington (CC  Reg. 11219862)

viii.         Child Victims of Crime (CC Reg.

ix.           National Police Arboretum Trust (CC Reg.

x.            Sheriffs’ Recorder’s Fund (CC Reg.

c)    a report be presented to the Committee which would reviewed the fund’s investment policies and outlined the aims of the Fund going forward.


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