Agenda item

Progress Report - Branching Out (Heritage Lottery project) update Number 10

Report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest.


The Committee received the report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest informing Members that the Branching Out projects were broadly on track, with capital elements largely complete: Jubilee Pond landscaping and car park works were finished and all four cattle grids had been installed with minor snags being addressed by Essex County Council.


Three new apprentice arborists had been recruited for the final year of the scheme. The spend profile matches the programme. The focus for the next six months was on the design of Gateways and a standard approach to Forest furniture, now that the Open Spaces branding exercise was nearing completion.


The Director informed Members that the report had been considered by the Finance Committee, where the Chairman had asked for the following information to be added to the report for clarity:


“Budget variances reflect a contingency claim from HLF to cover a £22,747 increase in the arborist salary and training budget. Apprentices were older with higher salaries than estimated due in part to the requirement for them to have a driving licence. The City and Guilds Land Based Services Assessments are now paid by the Corporation, rather than the training college, as originally planned.


Other changes are minimal or reflect transfers of miscoded items from revenue to capital, which balance out. They include £1,200 for the vehicle crossover to access the rear of Butler’s Retreat adjusted from fees to works; the transfer of £4,000 from works to fees for a Highways Deed of Easement at High Beach, and; virement of £1,400 to balance the budget lines for the project manager’s salary, which is split between two projects. There is no change to the overall budget allocation, which includes a contingency sum.”


Members noted that new volunteer roles comprised cattle warden and publication assistant, alongside a renewed recruitment drive for the Forest Centres. A drop-in volunteering day was held in October specifically for young people.


Members were informed that three new apprentices have been appointed. Two of the apprentices completed the full programme in 2012/13 but one was asked to leave, although he may complete the Capel Manor course.


An additional page that included VAT charges was circulated to Members with clarification on financial data by request of Chamberlain.


Officers informed Members that the Lottery had been very understanding in delays to Keystone Tree work due to conditions and had permitted carry-over of targets to after project end.


A Verderer raised the point in relation to the Gateways and Signage. These were to be completed by spring 2014 but Members had not yet seen designs. Officers said Member approval would be sought for the gateway design before commissioning.


Members also noted that the Heritage Lottery Fund had a very clear formula on calculation on how to express volunteer stats for matched funding and Officers reported volunteer stats according to that.


Resolved: That Members approved the overall budget total, subject to Heritage Lottery approval.


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