Agenda item

Outstanding References

To receive a report of the Town Clerk.


Police Committee Workshops

The Chairman informed Members that details of upcoming Police Committee workshops had been circulated and requested that Members liaise with the Town Clerk to confirm which sessions they would like to attend. Due to the nature the Committee having a small membership, the Town Clerk would liaise with Members if the dates offered were not suitable.


Road Safety Update

The Chairman updated Members that the road safety update would provide a collated calendar of events so that all Members were aware of the various City and Police road safety initiatives.


Threshold licensed premises

The Chairman advised that an email had been sent to Members which updated them on the saturation of licensed premises within the City. Members discussed whether the Force was resourced appropriately to deal with the existing licensed premises within the City, of which new applications were assessed on a case by case basis.


The Commissioner advised Members that he felt the Force did have sufficient resources to deal with licensed premises at this point, but could be further explored in a report to a future meeting of the Police Committee as the numbers of officers would reduce further and the number of licensed premises could increase. The report will include details of the work undertaken by the Licensing Team.


Recruitment of Independent Advisory Group Member

The Equalities, Diversity and Human Rights Manager updated Members that officers sought to advertise the position as widely as possible, and would be underway by the beginning of February.

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