Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Sub Committee received an update on the above boards, noting that the Transformation Board and the Efficiency Board had each met twice. An update regarding the City of London Procurement Service (CLPS) was noted, but had been discussed in detail at Finance Committee at their last meeting.


In response to a Member’s query, Members noted that the Corporate Re-use System was an internal exchange of furniture to prevent unnecessary procurement of new equipment. It was also reported that this did not involve IT equipment, which was securely disposed of via alternative means. In response to another query concerning the figures included in the appendix, it was agreed that the format was unclear and no longer fit for purpose. These figures would change at the next meeting to reflect the savings for 2013/14 and 2014/15 identified from the Service Review, and a suitable format could be agreed at that point.

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