Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget 2014-15

To consider a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Commissioner and the Chamberlain which updated Members on the latest approved revenue budget for 2013/14 and sought approval for the proposed revenue and capital budgets for 2014/15 for subsequent submission to the Finance Committee.


The Director of Corporate Services advised that the overall positive net movement from General Reserves had been £1.7m, and the Force would be working with the Chamberlain’s Department to address the underlying revenue deficit.


Members discussed the Police Innovation Fund, which the Force had been successful in receiving funding for one of two applications. Useful feedback had been received for future applications.


Members discussed the support for the Force shown at the last meeting of Resource Allocation Sub-Committee, where there was understanding of the pressures on Force funding but it was felt other methods should be explored  as opposed to increasing the Business Rate Premium.


Members queried as to where the reduction costs were located and the Director of Corporate Services and Commissioner highlighted that there would be cost savings achieved through the Force’s accommodation strategy. These figures were not currently included in the income and expenditure actual and budgets as some details of the accommodation strategy need to yet be agreed, such as occupation dates (Appendix A, page 63). 


The Commissioner suggested, and it was agreed by Members, that a workshop to discuss options for the three year budget should be held in September 2014.




a)    the latest position of the 2013/14 budget be noted;

b)    the revenue budget for 2014/15 be reviewed and approved, to ensure it reflected the Committee’s objectives, for submission to Finance Committee; and

c)    the Capital budget for 2014/15 be reviewed and approved.


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