Agenda item

Tenancy Strategy

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services seeking approval for the draft Tenancy Strategy, which had been developed as required by the Localism Act 2011. Officers reported that, amongst other changes, reforms introduced through the Act had allowed for shorter fixed-term tenancies, although the Strategy before Members proposed that more secure lifetime tenancies remained the predominant offer for new tenants.


In response to a Member’s question it was established that an existing lifetime tenant would retain that lifetime tenancy if they moved house, and Members were advised that fixed term tenancies would not affect a tenant’s Right to Buy. Officers also highlighted the Equality Impact Assessment and the benefits fixed term tenancies could have for tenants from violent or overcrowded households. 


Members discussed the wording of the report, and asked for clarification to be made concerning the intention and some implications of the reforms. Members also discussed the rent levels set by other social housing providers in the area, and that the Localism Act required them to give regard to the City Corporation’s Strategy.




(1)  subject to agreement by the Community and Children’s Services Committee, the draft Tenancy Strategy be approved for consultation with social housing providers in the City of London; and


(2)  authority be delegated to the Director of Community and Children’s Services in consultation with the Chairman to approve minor changes arising from the consultation, and produce a final version.

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