Agenda item

Community Nursing services – Neaman Practice

Presentation from the Homerton University Hospital.


The Sub Committee received a verbal presentation from Sheila Adam and Louise Egan from Homerton University Hospital. Ms Adam and Ms Egan reported that this proposal would bring together small nursing teams into larger ones on the same site to foster better communication, support for lone workers and robust supervision. Ms Adam advised the Sub Committee that the Neaman Practice nurse would begin their day at the Rushton Practice for a brief handover before travelling to the Neaman Practice where they could be based for the rest of the day depending on patient appointments.


In response to Members questions it was established that:

·         These new arrangements would be in place from the end of February 2014;

·         This proposal would not reduce nursing provision and instead sought to enhance the service;

·         The Neaman Practice nurse would not take on work from the Rushton Practice and nurses from the latter could be moved to the former should caseload increase;

·         Despite historically there being no confusion regarding referrals to the District Nursing Service, discussions were ongoing with hospitals to ensure the process was understood and correct;

·         Physical team working and handovers were preferred over telecommunications as they gave more scope for wider discussions of problems, challenges and best practice regarding clinical or professional issues, which would benefit the nurse’s professional development as well as the safety of patients at the Neaman Practice.


The Chairman thanked Ms Adam and Ms Egan for their report, and Members agreed that an update report be brought to the next Sub Committee meeting.


RESOLVED – That an update report on Community Nursing Services at the Neaman Practice be provided at the next meeting.

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