Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Education Working Party

The Chairman informed Governors of the establishment of the City of London School for Girls Education Working Party. The Working Party would review a number of areas of School business, including ISI inspection arrangements and various academic matters. The Working Party would meet before the Board of Governors meetings in order to consider academic matters and provide the Board of Governors with recommendations for improvement.


The Chairman in considering the membership of Working Party had reviewed expressions of interest from a number of Governors and from senior staff. The Chairman read the names of those who had expressed an interest and the Board agreed the membership of the Working Party.


RESOLVED – That, the following Governors and Officers be appointed to the Education Working Party for the ensuing year:


Mary Robey (as Chairman)

Clare James

William Russell

Virginia Rounding

Stephanie Ellington

Elizabeth Phillips

Ena Harrop – Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls

Neil Codd - Director of Studies, City of London School for Girls


Elizabeth Philips

Tabled at the meeting was the supporting statement of Elizabeth Philips regarding her appointment as a Co-Opted Governor. The Headmistress expressed her support for Ms Philips’s appointment to the Board. The Board considered Ms Philips skills and experience and agreed to appoint her as a Co-Opted Governor.


RESOLVED – That Ms Elizabeth Philips be appointed to the City of London School for Girls Board of Governors.