Agenda item

Pool of Model Conditions

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection which outlined changes to the Pool of Model Conditions used to assist Members and applicants when adding conditions to premises licences or club premises certificates. Members were informed that the Pool of Model Conditions was last updated by the Licensing Committee on 16 July 2013 and over the past eighteen months there had arisen a need to add further conditions to premises licences which were not included in the ‘Pool’. The report presented an updated ‘Pool’ with an additional three conditions, a proposed amendment to the definition of a promoted event and an amendment to the premises licence policy.


The City Solicitor explained to the Committee that changes to the definition of a promoted event would create a new definition that would not be applied to previously granted licences. The City Solicitor continued to explain that the change would require the licencing committee to govern licensable activity with two sets of arrangements depending on when the licence was granted and which definition of promoted event applied.




(i)            The Pool of Model Conditions would include the three new conditions.

(ii)          The Pool of Model Conditions would not include the new definition of a promoted event.

(iii)         Amend the Policy for ‘making amendments to a premises licence application’.




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