Agenda item

City of London Almshouses Update

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services which gave an update on the Almshouses in Lambeth. The Sheltered Housing Manager reported that a major piece of work on the roadway was required to address ongoing problems with tree roots and that it was hoped electricity for street lighting, and possibly electric gates, could be installed while the road surface was dug up. The lighting would provide better visibility for residents using the roadway during the evenings, and the gate would help solve problems with security and access.


In response to Members’ questions the Sheltered Housing Manager reported that the project was at too early a stage to give approximate costs, and that planning permission might be required from Lambeth Council for the changes to the gate but not for the road repairs. With reference to road work carried out outside the Gresham Almshouses a few years ago to address problems with tree roots, the Sheltered Housing Manager reported that there was a problem with trees not taking up water. As a result the ground was saturated, which was causing ground subsidence. A Member expressed strong support for the need to carry out a study of the maintenance works required relating to the trees and road.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Sheltered Housing Manager advised that there was no policy that required residents of the Gresham Almshouses to have a connection with the City. Members noted that, as Trustees of the Almshouses, the Housing Management & Almshouses Sub Committee decided which applicants were chosen, and that if an existing link to the City was a requirement there would be problem finding enough applicants to fill the spaces.



a)    issues with security issues and access to the Almshouses site be prioritised; and

b)    investigations be carried out into resolving the ongoing problems with tree roots.

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