Agenda item

Heritage Gallery Opening

12 February 2014


Heritage Gallery Opening

It is proposed thatthe City hosts an early evening reception to launch the opening of the Guildhall Art Gallery’s Heritage Gallery on Thursday, 11th September 2014.


The Gallery will provide a new and fitting space to display some of the most significant and internationally important items from the City’s documentary collections. These include the 1215 charter from King John granting the City the right to elect its own Mayor, the City’s own copy of Magna Carta dating from 1297 and the 1613 Shakespeare Deed.


As this initiative coincides with the 800th anniversary in 2015 of the sealing of Magna Carta, the guest list will include representatives from the Magna Carta 800th Committee, other London Councils and the arts and cultural sector.


We recommend that hospitalitybe granted and that arrangements are made under the auspices of the Policy and Resources Committee and the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee; the cost to be met from City’s Cash, within the approved cost parameters.


(This will be a Committee event.)



12 February 2014


Heritage Gallery Opening

It is proposed thatthe City hosts an early evening reception to launch the opening of the Guildhall Art Gallery’s Heritage Gallery on Thursday, 11th September 2014.


The Gallery will provide a new and fitting space to display some of the most significant and internationally important items from the City’s documentary collections. These include the 1215 charter from King John granting the City the right to elect its own Mayor, the City’s own copy of Magna Carta dating from 1297 and the 1613 Shakespeare Deed.


As this initiative coincides with the 800th anniversary in 2015 of the sealing of Magna Carta, the guest list will include representatives from the Magna Carta 800th Committee, other London Councils and the arts and cultural sector.


We recommend that hospitalitybe granted and that arrangements are made under the auspices of the Policy and Resources Committee and the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee; the cost to be met from City’s Cash, within the approved cost parameters.


(This will be a Committee event)


Read and agreed to.