Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Sub Committee received an update on the above boards, noting that they had each met once since the previous Sub Committee meeting.


Transformation Board
The Deputy Town Clerk advised Members that with regards to Demand Management, a Professional Service protocol had been developed and received at the Board meeting. This would ensure legal resources were deployed in the most efficient and cost-effective way and would support wider demand management. In response to a Member’s question it was noted that this protocol had focussed on internal demand as opposed to the Department of Community and Children’s Services which had implemented a Commissioning Strategy to address issues including external demand.


In response to a Member’s question, officers reported that PP2P had been nominated for an award, the results of which would be announced next week. Members were also informed that the Procurement Team had been nominated for Team of the Year, which would be announced later in the month.


Efficiency Board

The Chamberlain reported that a trigger concerning transport provision in open spaces had been reported; currently there was no corporate strategy on vehicular provision, which was a potential area for value for money savings. Members discussed the maintenance of corporate vehicles noting that those used by the Police were maintained separately. Members discussed the opportunities for shared services with the Police, in particular the review of the firearms range and the possibility to share the facilities of the Metropolitan Police or British Transport Police.


Members discussed the performance dashboards, particularly performance related to Planning, and agreed that the uniqueness of the City Corporation made it very difficult to draw meaningful comparisons in some instances. Members also noted the new format of the savings schedule.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

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