Agenda item

Highams Park Lake Progress Report

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Committee considered the report of the City Surveyor which informed Members that following the last inspection at Highams Park Lake it was necessary to comply with the Inspecting Engineers Recommendations for Safety and reinforce the Dam, to allow overtopping and the passage of the design flood.


Members were informed that in January 2012, the Committee approved, the option of proceeding with a solution which involved removing the Michael Mallinson Watersports Centre; something which was thought to be unavoidable at Detailed Options Appraisal. Following further discussions with Members and local groups, the project team were asked to look at ways in which the watersports facility could be retained. After further design development, an option was produced where the watersports facility would be protected by a flood wall; negating the need for its demolition as part of the works.


Members noted that Walthamstow Scouts had now signed a Tenancy at Will for the interim period, and would not be using the lake during the 2014 works period, apart from some onsite storage at their own risk.  Discussions were underway with the main contractor for the temporary use of the Watersports Centre as site offices and welfare facilities.


Members queried whether access to the Michael Mallison Watersports Centre had been identified as part of the planning application that Officers submitted to the London Borough of Waltham Forest. Officers confirmed that this had not formed part of their application, and access arrangements would be confirmed at a later stage. Officers informed Members that the primary objective was to secure the safety of the dam in a probable Maximum Flood Event.


Members noted that over 100 people attended an open meeting for local residents to discuss this site, and there was still time to discuss the proposals as the detailed design would not be finalised until April 2014.


Resolved: That Members:

1. Approved the new option of reinforcing the dam whilst retaining the Michael Mallinson Watersports Centre.

2. Agreed that, subject to planning and the project remaining within the approved budget, the appointment of the contractor for the main project works and Gateway 5 (Authority to Start Work) remained under the Delegated Authority of the City Surveyor so that works can proceed on site within the statutory deadline.


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