Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised Members that £150,000 efficiency savings within the HR department had been achieved as planned with a further £150,000 savings anticipated as part of phase 2. She also advised Members that the newly appointed Comptroller & City Solicitor had updated the Transformation Board on his experience of cross-borough working. Members requested that he be invited to the next meeting as they were interested in hearing this first hand.


Members were then advised of two minor corrections to the report in that the role of ‘HR Consultant’ (as at paragraphs 3 and 7 of the report) should have been ‘Head of Corporate HR’ and the subtotal (as at Table 3 on page 18 of the report) should be 17,279, not 177,279.


RESOLVED - The report was received and that the Comptroller & City Solicitor would be invited to the next Sub Committee meeting in order to provide an overview of his experience in cross-borough working.

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